martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Inglés 2° C Profesora Graciela Martinez

Plan de Contingencia
Materia: Inglés
Profesora: Martinez Graciela                  Contacto:
Curso: 2°C
Tema: Free Activities 2 - Hobbies-

1)Leer el texto. Escribir los hobbies al lado de los siguientes nombres.
 a- Ivan...........................
b-  Irina................
c-  Mike..........................

Ivan is a fantastic chess player.When he was eight he was chess champion of his school. Now he is fifteen and only plays in his free time. He is a good student and wants to be an astronaut. He often plays chess with his younger sister, Irina.
   Irina plays basketball. She is only thirteen but she is very tall-1 metre 78 centimetres. The other players are seventeen and eighteen, so she is the baby of the team! She trains every day after school and she wants to be a professional. "I want to play for the NBA" she says.

Mike likes photography and has a new digital camera. It takes excellent photographs. He likes taking photos of people, usually his family and friends. He wants to be a professional photographer.

2)Contestar las preguntas de acuerdo al texto.

1- When does Ivan play chess?.In his free time..............................
2- Who plays chess with him?.......................................................
3- How old is Irina?......................................................................
4- When does she train?.............................................................
5- What type of camera has Mike got?.............................................
6- What does he want to be in the future?.......................................

Se recomienda visualizar este tutorial en la aplicación de youtube. (El uso del presente simple).

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